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An electronic book (or e-book) is a book publication made available in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on the flat-panel display of computers or other electronic devices. Although sometimes defined as "an electronic version of a printed book", some e-books exist without a printed equivalent.Commercially produced and

Wiseguy: Life in a Mafia Family is a 1985 non-fiction book by crime reporter Nicholas Pileggi that chronicles the life of Henry Hill; a mafia mobster who turned informant. The book is the basis for the 1990 Academy Award-winning film Goodfellas directed by … HTML5電子カタログ制作・配信システムWisebook Cloud。高機能な無料のデジタルブック作成・配信サービスをご提供。電子出版ソリューション「Wisebook LSスイート」。デジタル教材制作・配信、アプリ内課金搭載の電子書店、紙と電子書籍 "At the age of twelve my ambition was to become a gangster. To be a wiseguy. Being a wiseguy was better than being President of the United States. To be a wiseguy was to own the world." -- Henry Hill Wiseguy is Nicholas Pileggi's remarkable bestseller, the most intimate account ever printed of life inside the deadly high-stakes world of what some … 軽量で高性能なPDFビューア、FoxitReaderをご案内、無料で使えて快適なソフトです! Web閲覧してるときや、マニュアルや解説書、カタログなどの資料をダウンロードした時に使われるPDFファイル。


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